A Licensed Spiritual Practitioner is extensively trained in the use of Science of Mind principles, active listening, and affirmative prayer. Our practitioners and ministers are licensed by Centers of Spiritual Living.
A Practitioner guides you in taking charge of your life through effective thinking and spiritual understanding. A Practitioner does not give psychological counseling or advice. A Practitioner assists you in exploring your own power and potential. All Practitioner sessions are kept completely confidential. Fees for sessions are set by the individual Practitioners.
Our Licensed Spiritual Practitioners

Allison Barrie, RScP Emeritus (Ret.)
Practitioner Emeritus (Ret.)
By using the tools of meditation and affirmative prayer that are taught in Science of Mind, my life has become more peaceful, vibrant and joyful. From time to time I have suffered with severe anxiety and meditation calmed me, while my prayers resulted in new feelings of connection, compassion and clarity. Through prayer I moved out of my comfort zone to be an effective, thoughtful leader in the workplace. I am passionate about writing and the arts and accessing the creative power within that allows my words to flow and my drawings to come to life. I have experienced many deep losses and transitions, and it is an honor to assist anyone moving through the grief process. Delving into spiritual studies and applying spiritual principles in all aspects of my life continues to be a transformative journey and it is my absolute joy to teach others how to use spiritual techniques to experience freedom and fulfillment.
Contact Allison

Amber Holland, RScP
I lived a life filled with anxiety and fear, crippling self doubt and feelings of unworthiness. Unhealed Trauma and a strict religious upbringing took me to a hopeless place. A place where sadness, anger, rage, addiction, fear and emptiness were constants in my life.
I came into The Science of Mind skeptical but after one Treatment, I knew that this was much more than years of therapy. This was God speaking to me, holding my hand, telling me the truth that my inner child longed so much to hear. That I was Perfect as I was.
Spending time surrounded by Nature, Meditation, Visioning, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and EMDR along with The Science of Mind Philosophy and Treatments have allowed me to see the beauty in myself and the world around me. It has given me the ability to feel my emotions and know freedom, acceptance and an unconditional love for myself and for each and every being. I have learned how to forgive and accept life as a beautiful kaleidoscope of colors. Ever changing and moving.
I look forward to seeing the truth in every person I see. May we all be happy! 🙂

Jeanne Kataoka
Practitioner and Ordained Animal Chaplain
One of the ideals of Centers for Spiritual Living is “Creating a world that works for everyone and all of creation.” I have taken this deeply to heart – so much so that in addition to being a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, I am also an ordained Animal Chaplain through the Emerson Institute, a New Thought school. As such, I offer quarterly animal memorial services during which those who attend are given the opportunity to honor the memory of companion animals who have touched their lives. I am a vegan and lead our Vegan-Veggie Group.
Contact Jeanne

Anita Nace, RScP Emeritus (Ret.)
Practitioner Emeritus (Ret.)
I’ve been a Practitioner for 23 yrs. Now that I’m retired, I no longer see clients for sessions but I’m ALWAYS available for prayer. Grab me at the center on Sunday or call me at home. Prayer, meditation and visioning are my passions as is teaching the Science of Mind. Personally, the SOM saved my life! The past 23 years have proven the Power within. Financial increase, always enough plus, healings physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I love my spiritual family and my spiritual home. I’d love to meet & greet you, share a hug and pray together if you wish. I live in Riverside with my wonderful husband of 44 years, Frank, and three fur babies. Life is Good!
Contact Anita

Joe Nelson
Practitioner Intern
Joseph Nelson is a Practitioner Intern who has been a student of the Science of Mind faith and philosophy since 2000. He is passionate about social justice and has a ministry serving food to the homeless on Saturdays. He also works with other faith-based groups in serving the homeless in his community.
Aside from the works of Ernest Holmes, Joseph also cites the works of Thomas Troward, Joel Goldsmith, Ralph Waldo Emerson and the teachings of Jesus as his biggest influences.
He is the lover of all things outdoors and enjoys hiking and camping, and is a bibliophile and cinephile.

Na'imah Powell, LSP Emeritus
Practitioner Emeritus
I am a board-certified family practice physician who uses an integrative approach in my practice of medicine. I have had extensive training in psychology as a marriage, family, and child therapist. I’m a licensed spiritual practitioner – emeritus having practiced for 27 years.
I have a deep regard for the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs of people of all ages, from newborns to geriatrics.
I’m a lecturer and workshop facilitator on the topic of Spirituality and the Practice of Medicine. Mymission is to add to the quality of one’s life and overall well-being by emphasizing the importance of healing the body and mind through Spirit.

Darryl Prince, LSP
Ministerial Intern & Practitioner
I graduated from Practitioner Training in 2008. I’m the husband of soon-to-be Rev. Sonja Prince, a father of three adult children and a proud grandfather.
My upbringing was an eclectic experience of both living in poverty and moving to a middle-class neighborhood. My family, friends, faith, spirituality, and beliefs influenced my curiosity.
After high school, I joined the USAF where I encountered many different walks of life that expanded my awareness, friendships, and compassion for other people.
My growth and personal achievements have been reinforced by my commitment to God, Family, Career, and my Faith.
My passions are providing affirmative prayer support, writing poetry and books, enjoying the great outdoors, driving, piloting, sports & vintage cars, drumming, meditating, and exercise. I recently started a new business that shares my passion as an author, engineer, and inventor.

Sonja Prince, LSP
Ministerial Intern & Practitioner
Sonja Prince is a spiritual practitioner and speaker with a gift for helping people achieve success and manifest their dreams. She hosts the Divine Truth Talk women’s program and soon-to-be podcast. Sonja has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, is a certified health minister with Hallelujah Acres, and is in her final year of her ministerial studies at Holmes Institute.
She is also an award-winning singer who enjoys singing for community organizations and fundraisers. She is the 2012 winner of Menifee’s Got Talent, Canyon Lakes Got Talent, and served as the 2012 Menifee City Queen and Chamber of Commerce Spokesperson.
Prior to committing to ministry full time, Sonja enjoyed a successful career in the medical field as an administrator of an orthopaedic practice and later as the regional manager and marketing manager for two radiation oncology groups in Orange County.
As a ministerial intern, she participates in all aspects of ministry at Riverside CSL under Rev. Jeffrey’s guidance and is his ecclesiastical assistant.

Tamaro Ralston, RScP
Even though I had had a very troubled childhood, I recognized that the presence of God was in all things. I was living this philosophy before I knew of it. When I heard about the philosophy of the Centers for Spiritual Living, it seemed so familiar. Like most people, I have had many challenges in my life: growing up in an alcoholic family; parents divorcing; my own troubled marriage ending in divorce; raising children and other family struggles; financial issues; health issues and death of close family members. Through it all, the major struggles and just day to day living, the philosophy that I have come to live has always straightened the road and made it less rocky. I know how life gets to be, and how our choices lead us down our path. Living in integrity, knowing love for all, being grateful and judgement free are a few of my highest goals as a Licensed Religious Science Practitioner. I have experienced my own healing, as well as success in praying for others. God is my source. I take great pleasure in spending time with children. I love to create art, write, music, dance, nature, gardening, camping, and animals. I just love life.
Contact Tamaro

Patti Rosbrook, RScP

Ed Ryan, RScP
I first started attending CSL in Las Vegas with my friend’s mother. I began taking classes right away as I wanted to belong to a community, but I couldn’t always attend services because of work. The classes helped me get to know people and to know myself better. I even met my spouse (Rev. Jeff) in one. I like taking classes and I enjoy teaching them as well.
I really enjoy exploring the mystical aspects of New Thought and am a huge fan of Joel Goldsmith. Visioning and walking labyrinths are two of my favorite spiritual practices.

Dee Sermons, LSP Emeritus
Practitioner Emeritus

Katelyn Shea O'Connell, LSP
I‘ve been a dual- licensed practitioner (CSL & Agape) since 2004 and hold a master’s degree (MA) in movement and dance therapy as well as being an internationally certified Hatha yoga instructor (Kerala, India).
I have maintained life-long practices of meditation, intensive breathwork, and yoga.These foundational disciplines have fostered my dedication to freeing my truest, inner voice in all facets of my life as an actress, singer, writer, activist, and minister. My liberated expression has served as a catalyst for countless others who, like myself, have navigated the effects of childhood trauma.
I am devoted to living a life of impeccable integrity. My genuine enthusiasm for ever deepening spiritual growth and expansion inspires and uplifts those that I encounter to seek and to claim the freedom available when one chooses to live from “THE HIGHER OCTAVE OF TRUTH.”

Constance Stringfellow, RScP
Prior to becoming a Practitioner, I was very uncomfortable around the idea of death and dying. I am now willing to step beyond my comfort zone to engage those who have lost or are losing loved ones by offering compassionate support to members and families.
Contact Constance

Dinah Williams, LSP
I have always believed that there is something ordering the Universe. However, organized religion lost its appeal when it seemed to say that some people were excluded. What I love about this teaching is that anyone can use it to improve their life. I certainly have. Prayer, Visioning, classes and meditation have shifted my feelings of unworthiness and allowed me to move forward on this journey in a more peaceful and compassionate manner for myself as well as others. Now, when I encounter a crooked place in my road, I look at it with curiosity and ask what am I to learn from this? I absolutely love supporting others in their journey to revealing the Truth of who they are.