Affirmative Prayer

We are here to support you with affirmative prayer.

Sometimes we are so close to our own problem, challenge, or goal, we cannot arrive at an objective viewpoint regarding it. Through the use of affirmative prayer, Practitioners help us change our false beliefs and/or limiting behaviors, thereby causing a change in the condition of our lives. Affirmative prayer is always free of charge.

To learn more about what a Practitioner is, or to find and contact a specific Practitioner, please visit our Practitioners page.

If you have a specific prayer request for our Ministry of Prayer, you can fill out a Prayer Request.

If you would like to access immediate prayer, we have both written prayers and spoken prayers on various topics for you to choose from below.

Written Prayers

Divine Guidance

The enduring spiritual Truth is that there is only God. God animates every person, place and thing in the Universe. All of Life is an expression of Divine Consciousness. This God Presence is the One Mind that is All–Knowing, Everywhere-Present and ever available. It is Pure Potentiality. Limitless possibilities exist in the Mind of God. It is the Source of Infinite Intelligence, Divine Wisdom, Clarity and Perfect Guidance.

As a unique, individualized expression of God, I am inseparably one with the One. Divine Mind thinks in, through and as me. Within my being is the Wisdom, Clarity and Intelligence of Pure Spirit. The Truth of me is that I am always in the flow of Life, keenly aware of the radiant stream of Divine Power and Wisdom within.

I speak my Word for myself and know that Clarity guides every aspect of my life.  I am a clear transparency through which Divine Guidance expresses. Easily and effortlessly I connect with the still, small voice within, tapping into Divine Wisdom. I am open and receptive to the right and perfect guidance for every decision that needs to be made. Perfect solutions are made known to me, for the highest and best good of all concerned. I relax into the awareness that perfect answers are always accessible to me. My Divine Intuition is clear and keen. I gracefully tap into the flow of Infinite Mind. The whisperings of Spirit guide me to perfect choices, now and always. I know what to do and when to do it, for Guidance comes through in perfect timing.

I am deeply grateful for Divine Guidance in all of my affairs.  I give great high thanks that I have perfect clarity and that all is well.

With much love, I release my Word into the action of the Law, knowing it is done. And so it is.


Spirit is Wisdom and Knowledge flowing like a never-ending stream through all Life and Creation. This nourishing and nurturing stream of Love flows in and through every person, moving through everything seen and unseen. It is the Peace and Joy that fills troubled minds with the assurance that all is well.  It is Divine Circulation that manifests as Prosperity and Abundance. It is the infinite Possibility of the ever-expanding Universe. It is Grace unfolding with perfect Flow and Ease and the Divine Right Action of knowing that the way is already prepared and beautiful.

I know that I am One with this Spirit.  I am one with this stream of Love and Joy that flows among the paths that nourish with Prosperity and Abundance. I am made of the same God-stuff that is Wisdom and Peace.  My Life is a Life of Grace and infinite Possibility. I am One with the Peace of Spirit. There is only One.

I now speak my Word for myself.  I know that perfect employment and the perfect job are mine now. The Wisdom and Knowledge of the Universe are already in my life and appear in every interview and in my new job. I am open to Grace and infinite Possibility, and I know within that Grace and Possibility, the perfect job is available to me right now.  Divine Right Action is guiding me to this job. I know that I bring many skills and qualities to this new job and I am filled with Joy in doing my new work. My work evokes the Divine within me, bringing me a sense of Power, Vitality, purpose and fulfillment. Spirit flows through me as I complete my work and I know that through this work, I am in service to others.  My work is a blessing to the world. I know and accept this Good for myself. The perfect job is mine now.

I am so very grateful for Clarity, Joy, and Peace fully manifesting in my life right now. I am grateful to know that God’s Grace is my sufficiency in all things.  I give thanks as I open to infinite Possibility and accept my Good.

I release this Word into the fertile soil of the Infinite Good. I know the Divine Creator is revealing this expression of the perfect form of employment.  I simply allow it to be so. And So It Is. 


There is One, the Blessed Eternal Good that I call God. It is Wholeness, a Completeness of All, a Perfect Completeness. It is flawless Harmony that forms life. It is Life-forming and Life-giving. It is Love without barriers and without bias. It is God, the All-ness of Love and Wholeness.

I have my being in this One of Love, Wholeness and Harmony. It is my True Essence no matter what condition I have experienced.

I speak my Word for myself from this sacred place of knowing my True Essence. I allow and accept full health and Wholeness of my body temple. I let go of any past need to explain myself with an illness or explain my life with an illness. I am enough as I am without an illness. There is enough of me just as I am. I accept a healthy body. Wholeness, Love and Harmony move and have their being as me and as my body temple. It is fully healed, fully thriving, flexible, strong and resilient. It is impervious to unwanted conditions. It is cared for by the Wholeness, Love and Harmony that I am.

With Joy, I am thankful for being who I am, for my sense of enoughness as me and for my allowing and acceptance of my body’s health. I am thankful for a resilient body temple impervious to unwanted conditions. I am thankful for the good care I afford to it.

My Word is released to that Immutable Law of Love that has no question nor doubt. I know that this is done. And so it is.


I acknowledge the Oneness of God that is the Source of all life. God is pure Joy, Peace and Love. It is Prosperity overflowing and never-ending Abundance. God is the One Power and it is the sweet Spirit. In all things, God is.

I recognize that I am an expression of the Divine. I am Prosperity at the very core of my being. I am overflowing Abundance and never-ending Supply.

Knowing the Truth of my life, I speak my Word for my overflowing Abundance. I recognize that divine Prosperity shows up in my life as more than enough money to easily meet all my needs, and more to share. I see every bill and debt paid in full. I know that the abundant Universe is conspiring for my Good, filling my bank account, and settling all my financial responsibilities with Ease and Grace. God is my Source. Any and all thoughts or beliefs in lack and fear are banished into nothingness. I claim for myself only Abundance and Prosperity from this day forth.

I am grateful to know that the Word I speak is already true in the Mind of God. I am grateful for my overflowing Abundance and never-ending Prosperity. I am grateful to be richly blessed with Infinite Good and overflowing Supply.

I release this Word into the Law knowing It is already done. I let God do God’s Work. And so it is.


God is the Spirit of Love, Light, and Divinity.  It is Universal Vibration and the Knowingness and the All-ness that is. It is awe-inspiring Beauty, the Source of all creation, and the waterfall of pure Joy. This Spirit is the all-encompassing Essence that flows through all of humanity and all of existence, that never ending Reservoir of all that is Good and Perfect.  It is the Name of all names, the Totality of all of mankind. It is Being, Knowing, and Truth. Spirit is that guiding Light that leads the way and it is the one Creator.

I know with every fiber of my being that I am One with this Pure and Perfect Spirit, that this pairing is Harmonious, saturated with and fueled by Love. I know that I am interconnected in every way fathomable with Spirit. I am filled completely with its natural Essence. I am awash in its Presence, surrendering to the truth of Love. I am It and It is me. My breath is the breath of God. The Divine Presence is always with me, in front of me, behind me, beside me, and inside of me. There is no separation. I am always in unison with this Presence.  Always in Love. Always One.

I now speak my truth and Word for myself. Recognizing the connection with the Divine I know that the Love of God is in me and therefore expresses Itself in all of my relationships. My body trusts and accepts this Love. This Love, this Divinity penetrates all that I am, with ease and grace I surrender. I know that at my core is a Great and Perfect Love that fills my entire being. This Love showers me and is with me in all of my interactions. I know that Pure and Perfect Love is my natural state of being. There is nothing else that needs to be done. This still calm knowingness flows through me and out of me sustaining perfect and right relationships. Love is at the center of all of my relationships. This Love flourishes with ease making way for perfect alignments with every being, near or far, unknown or known.

I am so very thankful for this knowing. I am filled with gratitude and brought to my knees in complete surrender from the Joy of this recognition, that Love is my natural state of being and is a constant expression in all of my relationships.

I release my Word into the Law, knowing that it is done; I claim and affirm this Truth right here and right now. I give it to God.  I let it flow through everything and flow everywhere.  And So It Is.